The best children’s Halloween books
As you probably know, I am a big fan of stories, and there is nothing more exciting than a seasonal story! I have books that come out with the seasons, and then go away again so that they stay current. Below are some of my favourite Halloween inspired books. Let me know what you think! (#aff links used)
Christopher Pumpkin
This is such a lovely book that my children won’t let it go back into storage once Halloween is over. The story of a pumpkin who wanted to stay true to themselves, and not follow the scariness of the other pumpkins.
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Stumpkin the pumpkin
This is a story about a pumpkin that is slightly different but think he wants to be like all the other pumpkins, until PLOT TWIST, he realises he doesn’t! LOVE the illustrations in this book
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How to make friends with a ghost
This is very sweet, a book that resembles a manual, on all the things ghost like! I would say, that the book follows a girl from a child up until an old lady, and covers the subject of death, so it may be more suitable to slightly older children.
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Ollie’s lost kitten
I love the illustrations in this book, a wonderful story about reuniting a lost kitten with it’s owner. The story is sweet but it’s the way the artist has captured the story that has my heart!
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The Little Ghost who was a quilt
Another one I adore for the illustrations (there’s a theme here!) This is a story about how being unique can be the best thing about you.
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Pick a pumpkin
This is all about, you guessed it, picking a pumpkin! Beautifully illustrated, with a rhythmic text, this celebrates all the best of the season!
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Gustav the shy ghost
What a wonderful book. This is a story of friendship and courage, all told through the delightful character - Gustavo.
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Crayons trick or treat
The crayons are back, and this time its Halloween! This book needs no introduction, trust me, it’s a corker!
Click the picture to buy.